Dice Rolls

Dice fields allow for standard dice expressions in the format:

[number of dice]d[sides of dice]

For example 1d20 means roll one 20-sided die, and 2d8 means roll two 8-sided die.

More than one type of die can be added to a roll, for example 1d20+2d4 would roll one 20-sided die and two 4-sided die and sum the results. Subtraction (-), division (/), and multiplication (8) are also supported.

Dice rolls can also have regular numbers added or subtracted, as well they can be multiplied or divided by a number. An example could be 1d8+3, which would roll one 8-sided die and then add 3 to the result.

To roll fate/fudge dice, replace the d in the expression with df. An example of this would be 2df6.

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